Copyright © 2002-2006 by Uldis Bojars; © 2006 by DERI Galway at the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
Development of ResumeRDF is supported by Science Foundation Ireland under Grant No. SFI/02/CE1/I131.
ResumeRDF is an ontology developed to express information contained in a personal Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) on the Semantic Web. This includes information about work and academic experience, skills, etc.
NOTE: This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document.
This specification is an evolving document. This document is generated by the SpecGen4 specification generation tool from a machine-readable ResumeRDF ontology expressed in RDF/XML combined with a specification template and a set of per-term documents.
Authors welcome suggestions on the ResumeRDF ontology and this document. Please send comments to the editors or to SIOC developers list; public archives are available. This document may be updated or added to based on implementation experience, but no commitment is made by the authors regarding future updates.
ResumeRDF is an ontology designed to express information contained within personal Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) on the Semantic Web.
It allows to describe professional work experience, education details, skills, certification and courses attended, and other relevant information.
The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC 2119].
Namespace URIs of the general form "" represents some application-dependent or context-dependent URI as defined in RFC 2396 [RFC 2396].
The XML Namespace URIs that MUST be used by implementations of this specification is:
An alphabetical index of ResumeRDF terms, by class (categories or types) and by property. All the terms are hyperlinked to their detailed description for quick reference.
Classes: | CV | CV_Entry | Company | Course | Education | EducationalOrg | LanguageSkill | Organization | OtherInfo | Person | PersonalReference | ProfessionalReference | Refernece | Skill | Target | WorkHistory |
Properties: | Country | Industry | Locality | Name | Notes | URL | aboutPerson | birthPlace | careerLevel | conditionWillRelocate | conditionWillTravel | courseDescription | courseFinishDate | courseStartDate | courseTitle | courseURL | cvCopyright | cvDescription | cvIsActive | cvIsConfidential | cvTitle | degreeType | eduDescription | eduGradDate | eduMajor | eduMinor | eduStartDate | employedIn | endDate | gender | hasCitizenship | hasCourse | hasDriversLicense | hasEducation | hasNationality | hasOtherInfo | hasReference | hasSkill | hasTarget | hasWorkHistory | isCertification | isCurrent | jobDescription | jobTitle | jobType | lastUpdate | lngSkillLevelReading | lngSkillLevelWritten | maritalStatus | noOfChildren | numSubordinates | organizedBy | otherInfoDescription | otherInfoType | referenceBy | skillLastUsed | skillLevel | skillName | skillYearsExperience | startDate | studiedIn | targetCareerLevel | targetCompanyDescription | targetCompanyIndustry | targetCompanySize | targetCountry | targetJobDescription | targetJobMode | targetJobType | targetSalary | targetSalaryCurrency | weeksNoticePeriod |
ResumeRDF introduces the following classes and properties. See ResumeRDF namespace document in RDF/XML for more detail.
CV - CV subclass of WordNet Curriculum Vitae
CV_Entry - Single entry of CV information. Type of CV information specified in subclasses
Company - A class for company information.
in-range-of: | cv:employedIn |
in-domain-of: | cv:Industry |
Course - CV entry for courses taken
in-range-of: | cv:hasCourse |
in-domain-of: | cv:organizedBy cv:isCertification cv:courseTitle cv:courseDescription cv:courseURL cv:courseStartDate cv:courseFinishDate |
Education - CV entry for education
in-range-of: | cv:hasEducation |
in-domain-of: | cv:studiedIn cv:eduStartDate cv:eduGradDate cv:degreeType cv:eduMajor cv:eduMinor cv:eduDescription |
EducationalOrg - Educational organization (university, ...)
in-range-of: | cv:studiedIn |
LanguageSkill - Language skill.
Contains 3 levels for skill: spoken, written, reading.
Inherited skill level used for spoken.
Organization - General class for organizations
in-range-of: | cv:organizedBy |
in-domain-of: | cv:Name cv:Country cv:Locality cv:Notes cv:URL |
OtherInfo - Other information in CV
in-range-of: | cv:hasOtherInfo |
in-domain-of: | cv:otherInfoType cv:otherInfoDescription |
Person - CV subclass of WordNet person
in-range-of: | cv:aboutPerson cv:referenceBy |
in-domain-of: | cv:gender cv:birthPlace cv:hasCitizenship cv:hasNationality cv:maritalStatus cv:noOfChildren cv:hasDriversLicense |
Refernece - CV entry for references
in-range-of: | cv:hasReference |
in-domain-of: | cv:referenceBy |
Skill - CV entry for description of skills
in-range-of: | cv:hasSkill |
in-domain-of: | cv:skillName cv:skillLevel cv:skillLastUsed cv:skillYearsExperience |
Target - CV information for target of job application.
(Single entry per CV. May be defined in the properties of CV class instead).
WorkHistory - CV entry for work history
in-range-of: | cv:hasWorkHistory |
in-domain-of: | cv:employedIn cv:startDate cv:endDate cv:jobTitle cv:jobDescription cv:careerLevel cv:numSubordinates cv:jobType cv:isCurrent |
Country - Country where the company is located.
Domain: | cv:Organization |
Range: | |
Industry - Industry of the company
Domain: | cv:Company |
Range: | |
Locality - Region / state of the company.
Domain: | cv:Organization |
Range: | |
Name - Name of the company
Domain: | cv:Organization |
Range: | |
Notes - Notes about the company.
Domain: | cv:Organization |
Range: | |
URL - Company home page
Domain: | cv:Organization |
Range: | |
birthPlace - Place of birth of the person.
Domain: | cv:Person |
Range: | |
careerLevel - Career level for the position in company.
Domain: | cv:WorkHistory |
Range: | |
conditionWillRelocate - Is candidate willing to relocate?
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
conditionWillTravel - Is candidate willing to travel?
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
courseDescription - Description of the course / certification.
Domain: | cv:Course |
Range: | |
courseFinishDate - Date when course was finished / certification acquired.
Domain: | cv:Course |
Range: | |
courseStartDate - Start date of the course taken.
Domain: | cv:Course |
Range: | |
courseTitle - Title of the course taken or certification acquired.
Domain: | cv:Course |
Range: | |
courseURL - Web page of the courses taken / certification acquired. May be pointer to certification transcript.
Domain: | cv:Course |
Range: | |
cvCopyright - Copyright notice - who owns rights to CV, how may it be used, other legal info.
Domain: | cv:CV |
Range: | |
cvDescription - Text describing what the person wants to accomplish by this CV; what is s/he looking for; ...
Domain: | cv:CV |
Range: | |
cvIsActive - If the CV is active and the person is actively looking for job opportunities.
Domain: | cv:CV |
Range: | |
cvIsConfidential - If the CV is confidential and may be used by receiving party only.
Domain: | cv:CV |
Range: | |
cvTitle - CV title.
Domain: | cv:CV |
Range: | |
degreeType - Type (title) of the degree.
Domain: | cv:Education |
Range: | |
eduDescription - Description of the education info.
Domain: | cv:Education |
Range: | |
eduGradDate - Education end (graducation) date (YYYY-MM-DD)
May contain only year or year and month.
Domain: | cv:Education |
Range: | |
eduMajor - Major speciality graduated.
Domain: | cv:Education |
Range: | |
eduMinor - Minor speciality(-ies) graduated.
Domain: | cv:Education |
Range: | |
eduStartDate - Education start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
May contain only year or year and month.
Domain: | cv:Education |
Range: | |
employedIn - The company where the person is/was employed.
Domain: | cv:WorkHistory |
Range: | cv:Company |
endDate - End date of employment.
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
May containt only year or year and month.
Domain: | cv:WorkHistory |
Range: | |
gender - Gender property (man/woman)
Domain: | cv:Person |
Range: | |
hasCitizenship - Person's citizenship.
Domain: | cv:Person |
Range: | |
hasDriversLicense - Indicates if the person has drivers license (for regular cars).
Domain: | cv:Person |
Range: | |
hasNationality - Person's nationality.
Domain: | cv:Person |
Range: | |
isCertification - Does this course entry include certification?
Domain: | cv:Course |
Range: | |
isCurrent - Indicates if this is a current workplace.
Domain: | cv:WorkHistory |
Range: | |
jobDescription - Description of the job in company.
Domain: | cv:WorkHistory |
Range: | |
jobTitle - Title in the company.
Domain: | cv:WorkHistory |
Range: | |
jobType - Type of the job: employee / contractor / intern
Domain: | cv:WorkHistory |
Range: | |
lastUpdate - Date when the information in CV was last updated.
Domain: | cv:CV |
Range: | |
lngSkillLevelReading - Reading level of language skill. (0..5)
Domain: | cv:languageSkill |
Range: | |
lngSkillLevelWritten - Level of writing skills for language. (0..5)
Domain: | cv:languageSkill |
Range: | |
familyStatus - Indicates person's marital status.
Domain: | cv:Person |
Range: | |
noOfChildren - Number of children the person has.
Domain: | cv:Person |
Range: | |
numSubordinates - Number of subordinates.
Domain: | cv:WorkHistory |
Range: | |
organizedBy - Organization that organized courses and/or provided certification.
Domain: | cv:Course |
Range: | cv:Organization |
otherInfoDescription - Description - content of misc CV information.
Domain: | cv:OtherInfo |
Range: | |
otherInfoType - Type of other CV information (interests / awards / accomplishments / point of view / membership / social activities / other)
Domain: | cv:OtherInfo |
Range: | |
referenceBy - Points to a person who provides the reference.
Domain: | cv:Refernece |
Range: | cv:Person |
skillLastUsed - Date when skill was last used.
Domain: | cv:Skill |
Range: | |
skillLevel - Level of the skill (0..5)
Domain: | cv:Skill |
Range: | |
skillName - Name of the skill
Domain: | cv:Skill |
Range: | |
skillYearsExperience - Year of experience in this skill.
Domain: | cv:Skill |
Range: | |
startDate - Start date of employment.
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
May containt only year or year and month.
Domain: | cv:WorkHistory |
Range: | |
studiedIn - Educational organization where person studied.
Domain: | cv:Education |
Range: | cv:EducationalOrg |
targetCareerLevel - Target career level.
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
targetCompanyDescription - Description on the company where the candidate would like to work.
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
targetCompanyIndustry - Industry of the company where the candidate would like to work.
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
targetCompanySize - Size of the target company.
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
targetCountry - Country where would like to work.
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
targetJobDescription - Description of the job applicant is seeking. Notes.
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
targetJobMode - Job mode: full-time / part-time
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
targetJobType - Target job type.
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
targetSalary - Target salary
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
targetSalaryCurrency - Currency for target salary.
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
weeksNoticePeriod - Notice period in weeks when can start to work.
Domain: | cv:Target |
Range: | |
Ontology namespaces referenced:
Prefix | XML Namespace | Specification |
foaf | | Friend of a Friend (FOAF) Vocabulary |