# Note that namespace URIs must end with / or # @prefix sioc: . @prefix sioc_arg: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix dc: . # These must be declared explicitly for OWL-DL conformity --Christoph Lange dc:creator a owl:AnnotationProperty . dc:description a owl:AnnotationProperty . dc:subject a owl:AnnotationProperty . dc:contributor a owl:AnnotationProperty . dc:title a owl:AnnotationProperty . sioc_arg: a owl:Ontology ; dc:title "SIOC Argumentation Module" ; dc:description "A SIOC module for expressing argumentative discussions in social media sites. Any of the types declared here can be given as an additional type to a sioc:Item or sioc:Post." ; # Who else should be mentioned here? Or as dc:contributor? dc:creator "Christoph Lange ", "Uldis Bojārs ", "Tudor Groza " ; dc:subject "Argumentation" ; owl:versionInfo "0.1" . sioc_arg:Statement a owl:Class ; # TODO should this be an rdfs:subClassOf something? dc:description "A general statement. Any statement, except an elaboration, can start an argumentative discussion." . sioc_arg:Issue a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf sioc_arg:Statement ; dc:description "An issue that is argued about; can be in response to an idea (as a concern), or on its own" . sioc_arg:Idea a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf sioc_arg:Statement ; owl:disjointWith sioc_arg:Issue ; dc:description "An idea that is argued about; can be in response to an issue (as a proposed solution), or on its own" . sioc_arg:Elaboration a owl:Class ; # We are not completely sure whether this should actually be a subclass of # Statement; see # http://workshop.sioc-project.org/wiki/SiocArgumentationModule/ElaborationStatement rdfs:subClassOf sioc_arg:Statement ; owl:disjointWith sioc_arg:Issue, sioc_arg:Idea ; dc:description "An elaboration that follows up on a statement by adding more detail in the same line of argumentation. An elaboration cannot start a discussion." . sioc_arg:Decision a owl:Class ; owl:disjointWith sioc_arg:Statement ; dc:description "A decision on whether an idea should be accepted, or an issue resolved" . sioc_arg:Argument a owl:Class ; owl:disjointWith sioc_arg:Statement, sioc_arg:Decision ; dc:description "An argument about a statement. An argument tries to be objective." . sioc_arg:Example a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf sioc_arg:Argument ; dc:description "An argument by means of an example" . sioc_arg:Evaluation a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf sioc_arg:Argument ; owl:disjointWith sioc_arg:Example ; dc:description "An argument supported by an evaluation" . sioc_arg:Justification a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf sioc_arg:Argument ; owl:disjointWith sioc_arg:Example, sioc_arg:Evaluation ; dc:description "An argument that justifies the support or challenge of a statement" . sioc_arg:Position a owl:Class ; owl:disjointWith sioc_arg:Statement, sioc_arg:Decision, sioc_arg:Argument ; dc:description "A (subjective) position, opinion, or vote on a statement or argument" . sioc_arg:refers_to a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc:reply_of ; # really sioc:Item, or would we like a subclass of sioc:Item called # sioc:ArgumentativeItem, which is a common superclass of all classed declared here? rdfs:domain sioc:Item ; rdfs:range sioc:Item ; dc:description "Expresses that an item of an argumentative discussion follows up on another such item." . sioc_arg:arises_from a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:refers_to ; rdfs:domain sioc_arg:Issue ; rdfs:range sioc_arg:Idea ; dc:description "The idea from which an issue arose, as a possible concern about the idea." . sioc_arg:proposes_solution_for a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:refers_to ; rdfs:domain sioc_arg:Idea ; rdfs:range sioc_arg:Issue ; dc:description "The issue which an idea proposes a solution for" . sioc_arg:elaborates_on a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:refers_to ; rdfs:domain sioc_arg:Elaboration ; # Changed from the SDoW08 paper. Actually, one can elaborate on any # statement, even on an elaboration. --Christoph rdfs:range sioc_arg:Statement ; dc:description "The statement on which this elaboration elaborates" . sioc_arg:decides a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:refers_to ; rdfs:domain sioc_arg:Decision ; rdfs:range [ owl:unionOf (sioc_arg:Issue sioc_arg:Idea) ] ; dc:description "The issue or idea on which this decision was made" . sioc_arg:supported_by a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:refers_to ; rdfs:domain sioc_arg:Decision ; rdfs:range sioc_arg:Position ; dc:description "The position(s) that support this decision" . # Introduced this common superproperty for more clarity --Christoph sioc_arg:position_on a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:refers_to ; rdfs:domain sioc_arg:Position ; # Note that we discourage positions on Elaborations rdfs:range [ owl:unionOf (sioc_arg:Statement sioc_arg:Argument ) ] ; dc:description "The statement or argument on which this position was given" . sioc_arg:agrees_with a owl:ObjectProperty ; # rdfs:range and rdfs:domain inherited from the superproperty rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:position_on ; dc:description "Expresses that a position agrees with a statement or argument" . sioc_arg:disagrees_with a owl:ObjectProperty ; # rdfs:range and rdfs:domain inherited from the superproperty rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:position_on ; dc:description "Expresses that a position disagrees with a statement or argument" . sioc_arg:neutral_towards a owl:ObjectProperty ; # rdfs:range and rdfs:domain inherited from the superproperty rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:position_on ; dc:description "Expresses that a position is neutral towards a statement or argument" . # Introduced this common superproperty for more clarity --Christoph sioc_arg:argues_on a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:refers_to ; rdfs:domain sioc_arg:Argument ; # sioc_arg:Statement explicitly includes elaborations; more detailed # arguments on elaborations make sense. rdfs:range sioc_arg:Statement ; dc:description "The statement on which this argument was given" . sioc_arg:supports a owl:ObjectProperty ; # rdfs:range and rdfs:domain inherited from the superproperty rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:argues_on ; dc:description "Expresses that an argument supports a statement" . sioc_arg:challenges a owl:ObjectProperty ; # rdfs:range and rdfs:domain inherited from the superproperty rdfs:subPropertyOf sioc_arg:argues_on ; dc:description "Expresses that an argument challenges a statement" .